Artifact and Archive Donations
Looking to donate an item to our collection? Please stop in to talk with the Curator/Manager. For more information give us a call at 403-337-3710 or email us at email We thank you for any donations!
Charitable Donations
The Carstairs and District Historical Society is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency and is able to issue tax receipts for monetary donations.
Donations assist the Museum in meeting our mission by helping to fund historical programming, educational offerings, events, care of our collection, and the care and maintenance of our historic structures. Donors are an important part in the life of a small community museum and we appreciate the generosity of our supporters!
If you would like to make a donation we would be pleased to speak with you about the best way to do so, and can issue a tax receipt for any amount of $20.00 or more.
If you would like to make a donation, you can now do so from this page! Follow the prompts of the below through, a registered Charity & Social Enterprise. They provide instant tax receipts as well as options to give monthly, give anonymously, and track your personal donations.